1. These notable phenomena are explained in the main aspects of the influence of fluorescence quenching and fluorescence enhancing by the radiationless energy transfer channel.
2. energy channel的解释
2. The corresponding seismic apparatus signal channel number enlarges one time after adopting the double energy seismic signal acquisition system.
3. energy channel什么意思
3. The heavy oil combustion activator mainly used in heating stove of steel rolled, industrial stove, power plant stove, glass furnace, metal furnace, ceramic roller kiln and channel kiln. It can accelerate combustion, prevent over-burning, reduce the harmful gas emission. Its energy-saving reaches to 5-8%. Diesel oil combustion activator mainly used in the diesel oil engine which can strengthen atomization, improve ignition conditions, adjust the value of cetane, restrict intense or knocking vibrations, reduce the fuel de-compound and black smoke emission, prevent over-burning, carbonization and reduce the machine`s friction. Its fuel-saving reaches to 3-5%. High efficiency gasoline combustion activator mainly used in gasoline engine, which can improve the gasoline octane rating, restrain extensive or knocking vibrations, reduce fuel de-compound, prevent over burning, carbonization, reducing machine`s friction and toxic gas or black smoke emission, Its fuel saving reaches to 3-5%.
4. Forcing a cool material to flow can generate excessive shear energy and localized degradation in the screw`s flow channel.
5. Mastering of advanced power electronic technology for renewable energy, and dedicated solar and wind channel access
6. Scoyenia ichnofacies widely occurs in flood plains and the transitional belts of rivers and lakes, Termitichnus ichnofacies owns features of continental environment, Rusophycus ichnofacies made its appearance in river channel and levee sub-environments of relative high energy, Arenicolites ichnofacies colonized on the surface of hummocky sandstones of storm deposits.
7. The ratio of the number of counts per channel at the peak of light fragment group to that at the minimum in the valley is about 2.8, this means that the energy resolution of detecting fission fragments is not worse than that of the barrier type detector.
8. So a certain energy dissipator needs to design in the transportation from pipe flow to open channel flow.
9. Whereafter, a series of crossing points involving the structures and energy values have been located and the spin inversion behaviors by which the reaction system can hop from one PES to another by effective spin-orbital coupling have been inspected. Finally, the energetically more favorable channel was confirmed according to thermodynamic and dynamic data.
接下来运用Hammond假设和Yoshizawa等人的计算方法搜索到不同自旋态势能面之间的交叉缝(crossing seam,CS)并确定了势能面交叉点(crossing point,CP)的结构和相对能量,研究了在有效的自旋-轨道耦合作用下,反应体系由一势能面经系间窜越到另一势能面的电子自旋翻转行为,根据计算所获得的热力学和动力学数据综合分析可能的反应路径,最终确定整个反应的最佳反应通道。
10. Motivation can be defined as an impulse to channel energy and action toward a specific goal.
11. Motivation can be defined as an impulse to channel energy action toward a specific goal.
12. Pump the body full of liquid, when the impeller rotates, centrifugal force because of the role of the leaf groove must the speed of the liquid to flow甩向Road, at a wide cross-sectional area of the flow channel, the liquid flow rate slowed down, a part of kinetic energy into static pressure can be.
13. energy channel的意思
13. Their creators believe the spheres channel and amplify sounds and one's own energy.
14. energy channel是什么意思
14. The main results in this dissertation are summarized as follows:(1)Our calculations show that the dehydrogenation at the N9 site in the adenine andguanine transient anions is the lowest-energy channel to loss of hydrogen.
15. energy channel
15. In order to adapt well to the extremely harsh operating conditions and special requirements including the high temperature and high pressure, fluidization, energy utilization and environmental protection, a novel cyclone separator with symmetrical spiral inlet channel is conceived and designed for engineering and processing application. The performance characteristics including collection efficiency and pressure drop for this cyclone separator is investigated by using the experimental, theoretical and numerical methods in this work.
16. I pray to my ancestors in my blood and spiritual families to channel to the people who have made me suffer, the energy of love and protection, so that their hearts will be able to receive the nectar of love and blossom like a flower.
17. With the lowest energy, the olefinic carbon addition-elimination channel to yield CH2CN+CO is most important among all the channels.
18. The switching contrast and extinction ratio are studied in the sixth chapter. A theoretical model of channel crosstalk is established and the influences of the frame period, the time delay between the signal and control pulses, the control pulse energy and width, the small signal gain, the loop's time asymmetry and the splitting ratio of the main coupler on it are investigated thoroughly for the first time.
19. energy channel是什么意思
19. The 1550 nm band fiber loop laser was set up to measure propagation loss. The result shows that channels propagation loss in channel, which were processed under 20 μJ pulse energy and scanning speed between 300 μm/s and 400 μm/s, was lower than LiNbO3 crystal. It is demonstrated that the channel acts as a waveguide, and the propagation loss was lower than 1dB/cm.
实验结果表明,激光刻写的通道具有良好的波导特性:当激光脉冲能量在20 μJ左右,扫描速度在300 μm/s~400 μm/s之间时,刻写通道的传输损耗小于1 dB/cm,低于晶体的传输损耗,其原因是激光诱导锂离子的扩散引起了晶体内部局部折射率的增加。
20. energy channel的解释
20. It also has three conserved domains of the mitochondrial carrier protein forming a channel to exchange ATP and ADP energy molecule through the inner membrane of the mitochondria.